Crunchy, healthy, refined sugar free, naturally sweetened and damn right delicious!

2 cups rolled oats
½ cup almonds (roughly chopped)
¼ cup pumpkin seeds
¼ cup sunflower seeds
1 tbsp desiccated coconut
1 tbsp cinnamon
Rind of 1 orange
Juice of 1 orange
½ cup pitted dates
Boiling water (~½ cup)

Preheat oven to 180degC.
In a small bowl, add the pitted dates and cover with boiling water. Allow to sit for 5-10mins while you prepare the dry ingredients.
In a larger bowl, combine the oats, chopped almonds, seeds, coconut, cinnamon and orange rind.
Once the dates are soft, in a small food processor, blitz the dates, water and orange juice.
Pour the date mixture into the dry ingredients and stir well to combine, ensuring the wet mixture is thoroughly mixed through all dry ingredients.
Transfer mixture onto a lined baking tray and spread out evenly.
Baker for 30-40mins, checking every 10mins and giving the mixture a stir.
Allow to cool before transferring to an air tight container for storage.

Sprinkle on smoothie bowls.
Enjoy with yoghurt and fresh fruit.
Take a handful for an on the go snack.
Have for breakfast with fresh fruit and plant milk.

Remember to tag @awholesomeserving on IG if you make this recipe!